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Pictures from the
Home Page Slide Show
From left to right: Stacy Dull, Roger Farschon, Neal Johnson, Gary Combs (partially hidden), Robbie Rosenow, Tom Woods (in front), David Steffen, John Campopiano, Cindy Leyton, Eldon Rosenow posing at the end of a social ride in 1967. Thanks to Jeff Cowdrey for correcting the identification of some of the people in this picture.
Back row (standing): Jeff Cowdrey, Tom Woods, Eldon Rosenow, Paul Robinson, and Alex Haley. Front row (sitting): David Steffen. Tom, Eldon, Paul, and Alex are holding trophies won at a local bike race. David crashed during the race and did not finish, so he is holding the repair tag for his damaged bike. Photo taken in David's back yard circa 1966.
Tom Woods, David Steffen, Jeff Cowdrey, and Paul Robinson, at the 1966 Lindsay Bike Race in Lindsay, California.
Back at the beginning of the Modesto Roadmen, we could not afford professional bicycle jerseys, so Jeff Cowdrey came up with a design for the insignia, plans for building a home-made silk-screening apparatus, and a strategy for silk screening T-shirts like the one depicted (belonging to David Steffen) for all of the members of the Modesto Roadmen. Each member donated one of their plain, white T-shirts, David's Mom used Rit Dye to dye all the T-shirts yellow, and Jeff organized some of the rest of the club to do the actual silk screening. As best David can recollect, this happened in 1965 or so.
In September of 1968, the Modesto Roadmen decided it would be useful to have some club money to pay for projects and organized a car wash to raise that money. From left to right, this is John Campopiano, Roger, and Jeff Cowdrey painting signs to advertise the car wash.
In July and August of 1968 the Modesto Roadmen and the other Modesto bike club, Mach Schnell, rode the Third Annual Mountain Loop. From left to right, this is Stacey Dull, Tom Woods, Michael Haack, and John Campopiano taking a break to play a game of cards.
In 1969, the Modesto Roadmen bicycled from Modesto to the Great Western Bike Rally in Atascadero, Califonia. Taking a break along the way, from left to right, are someone whose face is hidden, Jeff Cowdrey, Tom Woods (from the back, wearing the Version 2.0 Club Jersey), John Campopiano, and Ames Hanshaw.
Another beautiful piece of artwork created by the immensely talented Jeff Cowdrey, in this case, a poster for the 1968 running of the Modesto Roadmen-sponsored Tour de Graceada.